Joint Laboratory Funding Scheme
(A) The Exercise

1. Number of applications received: 20
2. Number of proposals recommended for funding: 11
3. Success rate (over the number of applications): 55%
4. Total funding amount from the RGC: $30 million
(B) Selection Panel's Comments for Applicants' Reference

1. Quality of applications (i.e. strengths, weaknesses and gaps of proposals):
  • In general, the quality of the proposals was very good and the budgets required were reasonable, except that some of the budget items fell outside the scope of the scheme. The Panel considered that it was important for the applicants to provide usage plans of the equipment/facilities requested in the proposals for researchers in both Hong Kong and the Mainland.
  • The Panel advised the applicants to clearly define the project deliverables in the proposals and encouraged them to identify the potential final products of their research and their connection to the industry.
  • The Panel advised the applicants to carefully choose the "keywords" that can best characterize their proposals to facilitate Panel Members to identify experts in the related areas to review the proposals.
2. Other comments:
  • The Panel recommended the project teams and/or joint laboratories to share use the equipment/facilities with other researchers to maximize the benefits of the funded equipment/facilities.